Image consultant

“Une jam Esmeralda Zoto, e lindur dhe rritur ne Tiranë.
Pas 15 vite eksperience në fusha të ndryshme të modës dhe rreth shërbimit të imazhit vendosa të profilizohem në drejtimin e konsulentes së imazhit ku e gjej veten shumë mire.
E dua punën time dhe jam gati për të krijuar imazhe individuale dhe autentike.”


Analiza e ngjyrave

Armocromia X BEAUTY

Analiza e figurës

Analiza e stilit

1 orë on-line me Esmeraldën

Bridal privée

Konsulenca e garderobës

Fotocromia social

Këtu janë disa dëshmi
nga ata që kanë nisur një udhëtim transformues me mua.

Enrica is a serious and well-prepared professional, super organized and effective. The "wardrobe consultation" was "beyond expectations": now not only is my wardrobe organized and a pleasure to look at, but it also houses garments with lines and colors that truly enhance me. Enrica is invaluable on this front. If we add the fact that she is an extremely pleasant and cheerful person, the recipe is perfect.

Maralina Harless

Campaign manager

Enrica is a serious and well-prepared professional, super organized and effective. The "wardrobe consultation" was "beyond expectations": now not only is my wardrobe organized and a pleasure to look at, but it also houses garments with lines and colors that truly enhance me. Enrica is invaluable on this front. If we add the fact that she is an extremely pleasant and cheerful person, the recipe is perfect.

Maralina Harless

Campaign manager

Enrica is a serious and well-prepared professional, super organized and effective. The "wardrobe consultation" was "beyond expectations": now not only is my wardrobe organized and a pleasure to look at, but it also houses garments with lines and colors that truly enhance me. Enrica is invaluable on this front. If we add the fact that she is an extremely pleasant and cheerful person, the recipe is perfect.

Maralina Harless

Campaign manager

Enrica is a serious and well-prepared professional, super organized and effective. The "wardrobe consultation" was "beyond expectations": now not only is my wardrobe organized and a pleasure to look at, but it also houses garments with lines and colors that truly enhance me. Enrica is invaluable on this front. If we add the fact that she is an extremely pleasant and cheerful person, the recipe is been a game-changer for our online presence.

Maralina Harless

Campaign manager

Më Kontaktoni

Më pyesni për shërbimet e konsulencës së imazhit, ose ndonjë gjë tjetër.
